Best Web forums - Ads with earnings shared with members

I'm always surfing the web searching for something delicious and here's one: Web cosmo Forums, a real ads sharing forums.
Here you'll find very friendly members and a caring administrator.
Join the Web Cosmo and start your discussion. Every discussion you start, make you earn money. You have just to post a thread, that should be interesting, useful and attracting. You'll get half the earnings! (Half of the Ads impression)
How to join?
Like you are joining a new forum! Simply you have to register.
When registering don't forget to put "omarabid" in the referral names, this will help manik (the administrator) to identify who referred you.
* Make traffic and visitors (I usually get 25 visitor from this forum)
* Know new friends (Bloggers, programmers, Webmasters...)
* Make money with Adsense and boost your Adsense earnings (You can control your earnings with a channel)


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