NoDoFollow is a simple 3 KB extension for Mozilla Firefox browser. The extension lets you know which links on a website are DoFollow and NoFollow. As most of you already know, the difference between DoFollow and NoFollow is very significant. Thus, sometimes it is very important for webmasters to know whether links on a blog or website are DoFollow or NoFollow.
How does it work?
The extension takes seconds to download and once downloaded you can easily use it. All you have to do after downloading is right click on any web page and then click on "NoDoFollow". Doing so will turn the extension on and all the links on the page will be highlited in either blue or pink color. The links in blue are DoFollow and the ones in red are NoFollow. Here is a screenshot to show you how it looks:

Bloggers can also benefit from this tool as they can see which blogs have DoFollow attribute on and which blogs do not. Then, bloggers can comment on DoFollow blogs and leave their link to get some link juice.
Download NoDoFollow by Zacharyfox
Some useful links:
Search quality, continued - Google Blog
More Transparency in Customized Search Results - Google Blog
A picture isn't always worth a thousand words - Inside Adsense
Back to school with more than 1 million users worldwide - Google Blog
Hello from A2 - Google Blog
We Knew The Web Was Big - Google Blog
Updates and Fixes for July 18th - Blogger Buzz
Easy as 1-2-3 - Adsense Blog
I have tried this extension out and it is a pretty effective tool for finding sites that allow dofollow comments within the blogging community. Dofollow is becoming extremely popular and is vital to the future for most blogs to survive in the future. People posting quality comments want to get some type of credit for their dedication to any blog and this is only fair.
I hope every article that you "write" is well worth the reader's time.Crybaby!!...lol
Thank you for this, I hadn't heard of it before. Makes sense to me!
Searched on Google and found this article on the first page. Good SEO from you and thanks for the tip.
Thanks. Certainly easier than looking at code.
Thanks. Certainly easier understanding than the way I look at it.
The firefox plugin is great. My opinion is that if a blog owner is controlling his blog properly then he/she would be moderating comments, There is no need to make comments no follow! Its very easy to see what comments are real or fake.
Unfortunately I see you blog has a nofollow policy for comments.
Nice article. Thanks for sharing it
I used to check the script of pages before I started using this plugin. Thanx, very useful.
There is another plugin that has Alexa, Google PR, and some other nice things built in. It's called Search Status. Have a look.
good post!!
great post
Best part about this FF extension is that it's super easy to use. Great for bloggers!
Thank you for the great review.
The signature and content of the forum gives dofollow link means it is a dofollow. Just install searchstatus plugin into your firefox and check "highlight nofollow". All nofollow links will be highlighted. Forums that gives nofollow to signature and contents will have their link highlighted.
nice article, explain very clear and in easy way,
Thanks for posting.
nice post, explain clearly and in short way.
thank for posting
nofollow = google shit!
Thanks for sharing this plugin, the plugin which i am using for this is SEO4Firefox , It also Highlight the No-Follow Links.
Thanks a lot for sharing. I hop it's stil working i wil test it right now ;-)
The NoDoFollow extension is but one function / capability of SEO quake and Quirk Search. I suggest Quake and Quirk given that they give you the same result that consumes less space on your browser given how redundant would that be to have NoDoFollow installed when you have Quake and Quirk installed.
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