I just strated the Msdn Forum Tracker Blog!
What's that ?
A very simple idea invented by me! This consist by getting best answered topics and posting them in the blog.
How this will help you ?
+You can subscribe to the feed burner and receive newest answered posts by email
+You can browse on any topic and the solution is 100% found !
Help us grow !
Link to the blog
Comment the posts
The blog is here : www.msdntracker.blogspot.com
First let's start: Create a new project, and add a button where you'll put the code.
Open the registry editor to check that the changes are applied correctly.
Now as you see there's keys (that are folder) an contain value.
Let's start by making a key.
This will make a key in the Current user root folder.
Now expand the The Current User root folder and you'll find a new key (folder) made!
Lety set a value on it.
My.Computer.Registry.SetValue("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\TestKey", _"TestValue", "This is a test value.")
As you'll see a new "REG_SZ" value was added.
Very Important : If you want to presice the registry key value type just type ',' and Visual Studio editor will list you the value types.
Now let's read what we wrote!
Dim readValue As String
readValue = My.Computer.Registry.GetValue _
("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\TestKey", "TestValue", Nothing)
MsgBox("The value is " & readValue)
Let's finish by deleting it.
I think now you know a lot about Registry keys with vb.net but just now we didn't affrod the most important thing : Modify registry keys made by the System (windows)!
This can be difficult but we'll do it, now watch out this code.
autoshell = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon", True)
'' Set the value to 0
autoshell.SetValue("autorestartshell", 0)
The following code change the "Autorestartshell" to 0. be carefull to make the following steps. Make a new object and set i to a Registry.Rootfolder.opensubkey("the sub key",True) If True is false or not set the change will fail!
Now set the value with Name.Setvalue("valuename", depend on the value type)
Finally don't forget to close the key!
Have questions ? Post a comment and I'll reply with a comment!
This a simple tutorial to show you how to use registry keys with VB.net
You can edit them manually using the Windows Registry Editor. To launch it, click on "execute" and type "Regedit"
As you'll see there's a 5 different folders keys (root folder).
The Registry is split into a number of logical sections, or "hives". Hives are generally named by their Windows API definitions, which all begin "HKEY". They are abbreviated to a three- or four-letter short name starting with "HK" (e.g. HKCU and HKLM).
The HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and HKEY_CURRENT_USER nodes have a similar structure to each other; applications typically look up their settings by first checking for them in "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Vendor's name\Application's name\Version\Setting name", and if the setting is not found looking instead in the same location under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE key. When writing settings back, the reverse approach is used — HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE is written first, but if that cannot be written to (which is usually the case if the logged-in user is not an administrator), the setting is stored in HKEY_CURRENT_USER instead. - HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
Abbreviated HKCR, HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT stores information about registered applications, such as Associations from File Extensions and OLE Object Class ID's tying them to the applications used to handle these items. On Windows 2000 and above, HKCR is a compilation of HKCU\Software\Classes and HKLM\Software\Classes. If a given value exists in both of the subkeys above, the one in HKCU\Software\Classes is used. - HKEY_CURRENT_USER
Abbreviated HKCU, HKEY_CURRENT_USER stores settings that are specific to the currently logged-in user. The HKCU key is a link to the subkey of HKEY_USERS that corresponds to the user; the same information is reflected in both locations. On Windows-NT based systems, each users' settings are stored in their own files called NTUSER.DAT and USRCLASS.DAT inside their own documents and settings subfolder. - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
Abbreviated HKLM, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE stores settings that are general to all users on the computer. On NT-based versions of Windows, HKLM contains four subkeys, SAM, SECURITY, SOFTWARE and SYSTEM, that are found within their respective files located in the %SystemRoot%\System32\Config folder. A fifth subkey, HARDWARE, is volatile and is created dynamically, and as such is not stored in a file. Information about system hardware drivers and services are located under the SYSTEM subkey, whilst the SOFTWARE subkey contains software and windows settings. - HKEY_USERS
Abbreviated HKU, HKEY_USERS contains subkeys corresponding to the HKEY_CURRENT_USER keys for each user registered on the machine. - HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG
Abbreviated HKCC, HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG contains information gathered at runtime; information stored in this key is not permanently stored on disk, but rather regenerated at boot time.
As you'll focus each folder and sub folder you'll find values. Values have different format
Binary Value
Raw binary data. Most hardware component information is stored as binary data and is displayed in Registry Editor in hexadecimal format.
Data represented by a number that is 4 bytes long (a 32-bit integer). Many parameters for device drivers and services are this type and are displayed in Registry Editor in binary, hexadecimal, or decimal format. Related values are DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN (least significant byte is at the lowest address) and REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN (least significant byte is at the highest address).
Expandable String Value
A variable-length data string. This data type includes variables that are resolved when a program or service uses the data.
Multi-String Value
A multiple string. Values that contain lists or multiple values in a form that people can read are generally this type. Entries are separated by spaces, commas, or other marks.
String Value
A fixed-length text string.
Binary Value
A series of nested arrays that is designed to store a resource list that is used by a hardware device driver or one of the physical devices it controls. This data is detected and written in the \ResourceMap tree by the system and is displayed in Registry Editor in hexadecimal format as a Binary Value.
Binary Value
A series of nested arrays that is designed to store a device driver's list of possible hardware resources the driver or one of the physical devices it controls can use. The system writes a subset of this list in the \ResourceMap tree. This data is detected by the system and is displayed in Registry Editor in hexadecimal format as a Binary Value.
Binary Value
A series of nested arrays that is designed to store a resource list that is used by a physical hardware device. This data is detected and written in the \HardwareDescription tree by the system and is displayed in Registry Editor in hexadecimal format as a Binary Value.
Data without any particular type. This data is written to the registry by the system or applications and is displayed in Registry Editor in hexadecimal format as a Binary Value
A Unicode string naming a symbolic link.
Data represented by a number that is a 64-bit integer. This data is displayed in Registry Editor as a Binary Value and was introduced in Windows 2000.
Advantages of Registry Keys: Here's the aim! Why to use registry keys ? Suppose for example you are making a program where you want to disable the Task Manager, How to do that ? Simply using Registry keys. I'll describe in the following post how to use it with VB.net and then I'll give you samples of Registry keys that let's you take control of your Windows !
For more information about Registry Editor see Microsoft Site
First of all alexa don't rank pages but whole sites. Second if Google Page Rank is based on the pages that links to you, Alexa is based on the Traffic and this make it more real!
Alexa compare traffic between sites and give top 500 sites, and also a search engine to search the top 100,000 sites.
Then getting in top 100,000 is so hard? Yes so hard but why not getting linked in the Top 100,000 ?
This is another thing but the thing that I liked most in Alexa is the real ranking
For example : number 1 is yahoo then 2 is google 3 is you tube 4 is live (ms) and 5 is MSN.
With Alexa, you can know the sites that are linking to you and their rank. and now the rank help you more than Google PR because you know the site traffic and how much it can drive traffic to you;)
Alexa.com visit it and give it a try !
Ah Digg! a wonderfull site for us ((Says webmasters)) We get huge traffic throght it.
AAA Says both we want sites alike DIGG.
Ah Good, this is a list of sites like digg.
Digg.com : Number 1 The most powerful, easy to use and drive most traffic to you.
Fark.com : I didn't try it a lot but good traffic
Stumbleupon.com : yes but no so easy in navigation
Reddit.com : Okay it drives also traffic but you can't submit many urls a time!
i-am-bored.com : need that admin accept link
isnare.com : you submit the whole article (few traffic)
News.ycombinator.com : fast, easy and simple but small traffic
this is the list and I'll update it every day I found interesting site.
If you know another site, post it in a comment and 10x
My earning reached 20 $ per day now and I have only 3 month!
I'm not joking or just attracting attention, I speak seriously.How could I do this ?
Posting Topic :
Simple and easy, posts on anything you like (but interesting). Like Me, source code and example helpful for VB.net programers.
Post a lot of topic and make a clear title for your post, that attract seekers.
You'll need at least 50 topic to attract readers, but you can do them quicly.
Digg with me !
Google isn't very good for traffic, but for long. That mean Google direct to you a small traffic but every day.
Digg drive to you huge traffic, but only the moment when you submit!
So you have to make 5 posts per day and submit them to Digg. Interesting posts will attract lots of readers. Digg give me about 120 reader daily (if I submit) and 3 or 4 if i don't. But Google drive traffic constantly and the traffic of google increase as your Page Rank Increase!
Comment every ones blog, but hey don't forget your link. Comment on Youtube for example
Yes, but High Page Ranks forums only
Blog Directory:
I'm using but they don't drive well
Ping Your blog:
Use automated ping and ping your blog.
That's all! and you'll start having traffic and then money
I'm very happy and I entred it and all goes well and I'll receive my check the end of this month. Nice, no?
What about you ? Post a comment!
I'm making those days, reasearch how other people have traffic. It's interestant to know. I see that many people post comments and add their link to the comment.
Ah here it come! Suppose a person with PR 7 blog. And just posted a new topic (in the first page) and thousands of hits come. If you posts your link in a comment, you get small traffic of his traffic. But if you make an interesting post you'll get more and more and more until you say : "thanks god I don't need more".
Let say this person have 1000 hits daily and you make the comment. If good comment you recieve at least 50 hits! and let say you posted 20 comments, then you'll receive 1000 hits! and more over page rank increase. 1000 hits ?! What do you want more.
Sart commenting now! But first you must find the PR high blog, oh another difficult step to do!
Account Number 1:
The site was accepted! We added the ads, and then I started my self by clicking on the ads. I was the only person that access to this site. So when seeing the Adsense reports, I see that the CTR level is high (80 %) due to the huge number of click and few impression (Ex : 50 impression and 35 clicks). After some days, Google prevent me from being banned. So Google won't delete your account from the first time, but it will inform you! I continue in click frauds and google disabled my account.
Account Number 2:
I have good traffic with this one because of my friends! We made a lot of traffic and page impression and few clicks (CTR = 5 or 8 %) Google Adsense Generate money. After some days we get an email alerting us from click frauds! (Note : We use a fix IP Address)
How Google detect clicks then:
1/ Google detects CTR and inform (Adsense robots) it's engineers when a CTR reach a high level (25 % for example) for a long period of time. The engineer won't disable the account, it will visit the site and see what's going on and then alert you.
2/ Google detects the IP address of the computer that make clicks and impression (If always the same that made clicks and impression, then something is strange) Google will alert you before any action he will take
3/ The normal CTR is from 2% to 8% max. If you have 2% or less then you adsense need optimization. If you have more than 10% (for a long period, 1 week for example) and you don't make clicks frauds, then try to detect (with google analytics) who is coming to your site and abusing your ads. tell Google (with email) when you found an abusing IP Address.
4/ As your impression and visitors are numbrous as google won't see click frauds (will pass them). If you have for example 5000 page impression daily, Google Adsense won't take care of an abusing IP Address and will block it him self (simply the clicks of this IP won't generate money, so if you have good traffic don't make click frauds because this don't generate money)
I'm not sure of that (In other words it can be not google method to detect click fraud), you'd better make more research if you want to know!.
Afraid from being banned ?
Simply follow yout CTR and all should go well. If you found for example 5 clicks without revenue then those clicks are click frauds (in normal condition 1 click generate 0.28 ot 0.48 $) and also page impression generate up to 1 $ per 1000 impression (not much but good if you have enough money)
Helpful information about Adsense on : www.Ad-sensing.com (it isn't my site)
Let say you have added 3 other ad publisher then your earning will be 3 times more and also from different sources. For these reason I started to try Adbrite that I had seen in some sites. I just put it and the ads shows that I must wait 30 minutes until showing !!! But perhaps until it track the web site content.
Any Way some days later I'll speak about the earning with Adbrite Vs Adsense
Suggestion, question ?? Post a comment
PageRank is a numeric value that represents how important a page is on the web. Google figures that when one page links to another page, it is effectively casting a vote for the other page. The more votes that are cast for a page, the more important the page must be. Also, the importance of the page that is casting the vote determines how important the vote itself is. Google calculates a page's importance from the votes cast for it. How important each vote is is taken into account when a page's PageRank is calculated.
PageRank is Google's way of deciding a page's importance. It matters because it is one of the factors that determines a page's ranking in the search results. It isn't the only factor that Google uses to rank pages, but it is an important one.
How to increase your page rank ?
It's easy to increase page rank, simply by linking to other sites and also to be linked (this is what we call links exchange). You can also use my future service : http://hittracker.freehostia.com that will help you increase your Page Rank. PR don't mean that you have a huge number of visitor. You can have a high PR while you don't have visitors. But it's related! If you have a high PR Google will display your sites before others sites (that have less page ranks) Also if you have a high page rank this means that your site is linked by other sites that have high Page Rank (as they have a high page rank, they have good traffic) and then they direct traffic to you :) So as your Page Rank is higher as you have more visitors from sites that link to you and Google
How Page Rank is calculated ?
To calculate the PageRank for a page, all of its inbound links are taken into account. These are links from within the site and links from outside the site.
PR(A) = (1-d) + d(PR(t1)/C(t1) + ... + PR(tn)/C(tn))
That's the equation that calculates a page's PageRank. It's the original one that was published when PageRank was being developed, and it is probable that Google uses a variation of it but they aren't telling us what it is. It doesn't matter though, as this equation is good enough.
In the equation 't1 - tn' are pages linking to page A, 'C' is the number of outbound links that a page has and 'd' is a damping factor, usually set to 0.85.
We can think of it in a simpler way:-
a page's PageRank = 0.15 + 0.85 * (a "share" of the PageRank of every page that links to it)
"share" = the linking page's PageRank divided by the number of outbound links on the page.
How to know Sites linking to me and the Page Rank ?
To know sites that link to your site, type "link:http://yoursite.com" in google and google will search for you.
For the Page Rank download Google ToolBar and it will displays Page Rank Information for each page
Use lists.
Be topical... write posts that need to be read right now.
Learn enough to become the expert in your field.
Break news.
Be timeless... write posts that will be readable in a year.
Be among the first with a great blog on your topic, then encourage others to blog on the same topic.
Share your expertise generously so people recognize it and depend on you.
Announce news.
Write short, pithy posts.
Encourage your readers to help you manipulate the technorati top blog list.
Don't write about your cat, your boyfriend or your kids.
Write long, definitive posts.
Write about your kids.
Be snarky. Write nearly libelous things about fellow bloggers, daring them to respond (with links back to you) on their blog.
Be sycophantic. Share linklove and expect some back.
Include polls, meters and other eye candy.
Tag your posts. Use del.ico.us.
Coin a term or two.
Do email interviews with the well-known.
Answer your email.
Use photos. Salacious ones are best.
Be anonymous.
Encourage your readers to digg your posts. (and to use furl and reddit). Do it with every post.
Post your photos on flickr.
Encourage your readers to subscribe by RSS.
Start at the beginning and take your readers through a months-long education.
Include comments so your blog becomes a virtual water cooler that feeds itself.
Assume that every day is the beginning, because you always have new readers.
Highlight your best posts on your Squidoo lens.
Point to useful but little-known resources.
Write about stuff that appeals to the majority of current blog readers--like gadgets and web 2.0.
Write about Google.
Have relevant ads that are even better than your content.
Don't include comments, people will cross post their responses.
Write posts that each include dozens of trackbacks to dozens of blog posts so that people will notice you.
Run no ads.
Keep tweaking your template to make it include every conceivable bell or whistle.
Write about blogging.
Digest the good ideas of other people, all day, every day.
Invent a whole new kind of art or interaction.
Post on weekdays, because there are more readers.
Write about a never-ending parade of different topics so you don't bore your readers.
Post on weekends, because there are fewer new posts.
Don't interrupt your writing with a lot of links.
Dress your blog (fonts and design) as well as you would dress yourself for a meeting with a stranger.
Edit yourself. Ruthlessly.
Don't promote yourself and your business or your books or your projects at the expense of the reader's attention.
Be patient.
Give credit to those that inspired, it makes your writing more useful.
Ping technorati. Or have someone smarter than me tell you how to do it automatically.
Write about only one thing, in ever-deepening detail, so you become definitive.
Write in English.
Better, write in Chinese.
Write about obscure stuff that appeals to an obsessed minority.
Don't be boring.
Write stuff that people want to read and share.
1. Restrict the no. of start-ups. Why have programs starting up when you dont really use them. Even those you use can always be started manually by clicking on the. I personally prefer not to have ANY starups. I click on my Internet Defense Suite manually, before connecting to the Internet. So decide for yourself which one's you really need as start-ups.
2. Disable services which one may not require. For example, if your pc is a stand-alone one, there may be sevral services which you can disable or switch over to manual mode. Auto-starting and closing down of services takes time & resources. These can be saved. BlackViper's Vista Service Configurations Windows Vista Service Configurations by Black Viper is an excellent guide to follow.
3. Reducing visual effects (eye candy). Right-click on “My Computer” > Properties > Advanced > Performance-Settings > Visual Effects > Adjust for best performance > Apply > OK.
To allow the themes and the glass effects, you may have to check on the boxes : enable transperant glass and use visual styles; this way atleast the spirit of Vista will be preserved- else be prepared for a really bland Vista ! Use your discretion. I know disabling all can actually negate the purpose of 'eye-friendly' Vista.
4. Ensure that boot defragmentation is enabled, so that files used during start-up are clubbed together.
Start Regedit. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\Dfrg\BootOptimizeFunction . Select Enable from the list on the right.
Right Click on it and select Modify. Change the value to Y to enable and N to disable. Reboot.
5. Disable : "clear page file on shutdown" option. Cleaning the page-file on every shutdown means overwriting the data by zeros, and it takes time.
To clear/not clear page file you can apply this reg tweak. Back up registry before trying this.
Start->run->regedit [enter]
Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Session Manager\Memory Management
Modify (if not present, rt click in open space and create) the Value Data Type/s and Value Name/s :
Data Type: REG_DWORD [Dword Value]
Value Name: ClearPageFileAtShutdown
Setting for Value Data: [0 = Clear Page File Disabled / 1 = Clear Page File Enabled]
Exit Registry and Reboot.
6. Defragment your System Disk & Fine Tune your Registry. If you find the Vista's in-built defragger slow, you can try SysInternals Power Defragmenter Download Power Defragmenter 2.0.125 - Power Defragmenter takes defragmentation process to a whole new level - Softpedia which works on Vista too ! Use the freeware CCleaner to clear up your PC Junk and clean up the Registry. Compacting the Registry occasionally is a good idea too !
7. Generally people also recommend emptying the Prefetch directory once in a while. But Windows uses this directory to speed up launching
applications. It analyzes the files you use during startup and the applications you launch, and it creates an index to where those files and applications are located on your hard disk. Using this index, Windows can launch files and applications faster. Nevertheless clearing the Prefetcher say once a month is what I do !
8. Go to BIOS settings, by pressing del key during boot-up, and disable 'seek floppy drive' option. This saves time for those who do not use floppy drives. There are also some BIOS hacks like Enabling Quick Post, Disabling Boot Daly, etc but best to refrain from these.
9. Change Boot-Order Sequence : Normally, the bios is set to boot from floppy first, then CD and then Hard Disk. Changing the Boot-Order to be: Hard Disk first, then maybe CD/Floppy, could possibly "shave" a second, I guess !
10. Disable windows startup/shutdown/logon/logoff sounds. Go to control panel, sounds & audio devices, sound tab, in program events select 'no sound' for these events.
11. Disable the ScreenSaver if you dont need it. Rt-Click desktop>ScreenSaver>None>OK.
12. Fonts take time to load. Removing some can save on resources. But one must be careful in deciding which fonts to remove. If you delete some system fonts, you may b in for trouble. Tweak VI Pro is a good shareware to manage fonts. It uninstalls fonts without physically removing them. Open its help file. It lists down the system fonts which must not be deleted ! use the list; and then decide what to delete and what to keep.
13. To REALLY reduce your shutdown time.
Start Regedit. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Control.
Click on the "Control" Folder. Select "WaitToKillServiceTimeout"
Right click on it and select Modify. the default value is ( i think) 12000.
Setting it to a lower 4 digit value,( say 1000) will make your PC shutdown faster, but you could end up losing data, so use this tweak judiciously.
14. Get rid of all the extra programs Windows Vista installs. You may not be using some like WLM, Calculator, Games, Meeting Space, Fax, etc. Go To Control Panel\Programs\Programs and Features > Turn windows On or Off and do the needful.
15. Go To Control Panel\System and Maintenance\Performance Information and Tools. On the LHS you will see options to Adjust Indexing options, visual effexts, power Settings, etc. These all help directly and indirectly.
This is my new site (project) Hit tracker is an intelligent system that will help to track your site.
What's Tracking ?
The idea is simple, the site collect a high page ranking from tracker (other sites that links to hit tracker to increase it's traffic).
Then you submit your site for track, as the track page have high ranking and your link is on this page, google will increase your rank!
So track your site now, as it's opened for all : http://hittracker.freehostia.com
Become a tracker!
Tracker (sites that links to us and direct to us some traffic) will have a special listening. and top 4 tracker sites will be shown on every sites.
So become a tracker to increase your ranking and traffic
visit : http://hittracker.freehostia.com for more information
If any one wants to make links exhange with post a comment with his blog or site url or send me an email (omar.abid2006@gmail.com)
Here are the rules:
No adult or spam sites
All links must be viewable on your main page
If you remove my link, I will remove yours.
Post a maximum of one link in your comment.
Thx for http://roawtech.wordpress.com
Opening Ports or Adding Allowed Programs with SP2’s Firewall
1.Click on Start / Run
2.Enter in firewall.cpl
3.Click on the Exceptions tab
Adding a Port for Internet Access:
1.Click on the Add Port button
2.Name it whatever you want
3.Enter in the ports you want to open
Adding a Program for Internet Access
1.Click on Add Program… button
2.A list of all installed programs will be displayed
3.Highlight the one you want to include for Internet access
4.Click on the OK button
Autoexec.nt or Config.nt Errors
If you are getting errors similar to:
The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows applications. Choose ‘Close’ to terminate the application.
Try copying the file from \windows\repair directory to the one that is in the \windows\system32 directory.
Common Control Panel Applets
The follow are some common Control Panel Applets that are located in the \windows\system32 directory.
If you find yourself using any of these frequently, then you can simply make shortcu[/color]ts to them on your desktop.
appwiz.cpl >>Add/Remove Programs
desk.cpl >> Display Properties
firewall.cpl >> Firewall Settings
inetcpl.cpl >> Internet Options
mmsys.cpl >> Sound and Audio
ncpa.cpl >> Network Connections
nusrmgr.cpl >> User Accounts
powercfg.cpl >> Power Options
sysdm.cpl >>System Properties
wscui.cpl >> Security Center
wuaucpl.cpl >> Automatic Updates Configuration Go to Top
Windows Explorer Opens Search Companion Rather than the Folder
If the Windows Explorer opens up the Search Companion rather than opening up the actual folder, the default setting for opening a folder is changed.
To correct this:
Start Regedit
Go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ Directory \ shell
Edit the default value to be explorer or none
Guest Only Network Access
If you try and connect to an XP computer and are shown a logins screen with only the computername/Guest,
You may need to change one of the Local Security Policies:
Got to Control Panel - Administrative Tools
Go to Local Policies - Security Options
Check teh Network access: Sharing and security model for local accounts
Set it to Classic - local users authenticate as themselves
Hiding a XP Computer from Network Neighborhood
If you want to share files from a XP computer,
yet want to remove it from showing up in the Network Neighborhood,
Run net config server /hidden:yes
Easy Way to Share Multiple Folders
If you need to share multiple folders, running the program SHRPUBW.EXE will bring up a simple dialog box to let you:
Browse to the folder you want to share
Enter in a Share name
Ender in a Share description
Set permissions. Several choices are available
Restart the process from within the same program Go to top
Not Viewing Zip Files as Folders
If you want to turn of WindowsXP showing Zip files as folders,
just run:
regsvr32 /u zipfldr.dll
Setting Capslock, Numlock, Scroll Lock
If you want to set the startup state for any or all of these keys,
you just need to edit the registry.
Start Regedit
Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Control Panel \ Keyboard
Open InitialKeyboardIndicators
Change the value to one of the following numbers
0 - All Keys off
1 - Caps Lock on
2 - Num Lock on
4 - Scroll Lock on
For multiple keys, add their values:
3 - Caps Lock and Num Lock on
5 - Caps Lock and Scroll Lock on
6 - Num Lock and Scroll Lock on
7 - Caps Lock, Num Lock, and Scroll Lock on
Log off and back on again
Restoring Desktop Icon to the Quicklaunch Bar
If you mistakenly deleted the icon for the Desktop on the Quicklaunch toolbar
Go to C:\Documents and Settings\user_name\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch
(where user_name is replaced by your login name)
Create a Text file called ShowDesktop.SCF with the following contents:
Command=ToggleDesktop Go to top
Network Access After Norton Anti-Virus Install
Sometimes you can’t access a WinXP computer after installing Norton Anti-Virus.
There might be a variety of errors at the other computer depending on the operating system.
On the XP computer, in the Event Viewer / System log, there will be the following error:
The server’s configuration parameter “irpstacksize” is too small for the server to use a local device.
Start Regedit
Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servic es\lanmanserver\parameters
Edit the IRPStackSize
Give it a value of 15
Reboot the computer
Configure for Auto-Logon
If you are the only person using the computer and what to have it automatically log you on,
Start / Run / “control userpasswords2″ - no quotes
Uncheck User must enter a user name and password to use this computer
Services You Can Disable
There are quite a few services you can disable from starting automatically.
This would be to speed up your boot time and free resources.
They are only suggestions so I suggestion you read the description of each one when you run Services
and that you turn them off one at a time.
Some possibilities are:
Alerter - Sends alert messages to specified users that are connected to the server computer.
Application Management - Allows software to tap directly into the Add/Remove Programs feature via the Windows Installer technology.
Background Intelligent Transfer Service - The Background Intelligent Transfer
service is used by programs (such as Windows AutoUpdate) to download files by using spare bandwidth.
Clipbook - ClipBook permits you to cut and paste text and graphics over the network.
Error Reporting Service - Allows applications to send error reports to Microsoft in the event of an application fault.
Fast User Switching - Windows XP allows users to switch quickly between accounts, without requiring them to log off.
Help and Support - Allows the XP Built-in Help and Support Center to run.
IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service - You don’t need this if you have other software to create CDs.
Indexing Service - Indexes contents and properties of files on local and remote computers; provides rapid access to files through flexible querying language.
IP SEC - Manages IP security policy and starts the ISAKMP/Oakley (IKE) and the IP security driver. If you are not on a domain, you likely don’t need this running.
Messenger - Transmits net send and Alerter service messages between clients and servers. This is how a lot of pop-up windows start appearing on your desktop.
Net Logon - Supports pass-through authentication of account logon events for computers in a domain. If you are not on a domain, you don’t need this running
Network DDE - Provides network transport and security for Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) for programs running on the same computer or on different computers.
NT LM Security Support Provider - Provides security to remote procedure call (RPC) programs that use transports other than named pipes.
Performance Logs and Alerts - Collects performance data from local or remote computers based on preconfigured schedule parameters, then writes the data to a log or triggers an alert. If you don’t need to monitor your performance logs, then you don’t need this service.
Portable Media Serial Number - Retrieves the serial number of any portable music player connected to your computer
QOS RSVP - Provides network signaling and local traffic control setup functionality for QoS-aware programs and control applets.
Remote Desktop Help Session Manager - Manages and controls Remote Assistance. If you are not using Remote Desktop you don’t need this service.
Remote Registry - Enables remote users to modify registry settings on this computer.
Routing & Remote Access - Offers routing services to businesses in local area and wide area network environments. Allows dial-in access.
Secondary Login - Enables starting processes under alternate credentials. This is what allows you to run an application as another user.
Smart Card - Manages access to smart cards read by this computer.
Smart Card Helper - Enables support for legacy non-plug and play smart-card readers used by this computer.
SSDP Discovery Service - Enables discovery of UPnP devices on your home network.
TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper - Enables support for NetBIOS over TCP/IP (NetBT) service and NetBIOS name resolution. This should not be needed in today’s network environment.
Telnet - Enables a remote user to log on to this computer and run programs, and supports various TCP/IP Telnet clients.
Uninterruptible Power Supply Service - Manages an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) connected to the computer.
Universal Plug and Play Device Host - Provides support to host Universal Plug and Play devices
Upload Manager - Manages synchronous and asynchronous file transfers between clients and servers on the network.
Volume Shadow Copy Service - Manages and implements Volume Shadow Copies used for backup and other purposes.
Web Client - Enables Windows-based programs to create, access, and modify non-local files across the Internet.
Wireless Zero Configuration - Provides automatic configuration for the 802.11 adapters
WMI Performance Adapter - Provides performance library information from WMI HiPerf providers.
Cleaning the Prefetch Directory
WindowsXP has a new feature called Prefetch. This keeps a shortcut to recently used programs.
However it can fill up with old and obsolete programs.
To clean this periodically go to:
Star / Run / Prefetch
Press Ctrl-A to highlight all the shorcuts
Delete them Go to top
Not Displaying Logon, Logoff, Startup and Shutdown Status Messages
To turn these off:
Start Regedit
Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Curr entVersion\policies\system
If it is not already there, create a DWORD value named DisableStatusMessages
Give it a value of 1
Repair Install
If XP is corrupted to the point where none of the previous solutions get it to boot,
you can do a Repair Install that might work as well as keep the current settings.
Make sure you have your valid WindowsXP key.
The whole process takes about half an hour depending on your computer
If you are being prompted for the administrator’s password, you need to choose the 2nd repair option, not the first.
Insert and boot from your WindowsXP CD
At the second R=Repair option, press the R key
This will start the repair
Press F8 for I Agree at the Licensing Agreement
Press R when the directory where WindowsXP is installed is shown. Typically this is C:\WINDOWS
It will then check the C: drive and start copying files
It will automatically reboot when needed. Keep the CD in the drive.
You will then see the graphic part of the repair that is like during a normal install of XP (Collecting Information, Dynamic Update, Preparing Installation, Installing Windows, Finalizing Installation)
When prompted, click on the Next button
When prompted, enter your XP key
Normally you will want to keep the same Workgroup or Domain name
The computer will reboot
Then you will have the same screens as a normal XP Install
Activate if you want (usually a good idea)
Register if you want (but not necessary)
At this point you should be able to log in with any existing accounts. Go to top
NTOSKRNL Missing or Corrupt
If you get an error that NTOSKRNL not found:
Insert and boot from your WindowsXP CD.
At the first R=Repair option, press the R key
Press the number that corresponds to the correct location for the installation of Windows you want to repair.
Typically this will be #1
Change to the drive that has the CD ROM.
CD i386
expand ntkrnlmp.ex_ C:\Windows\System32\ntoskrnl.exe
If WindowsXP is installed in a different location, just make the necessary change to C:\Windows
Take out the CD ROM and type exit
HAL.DLL Missing or Corrupt
If you get an error regarding a missing or corrupt hal.dll file, it might simply be the BOOT.INI file on the root of the C: drive that is misconfigured
Insert and boot from your WindowsXP CD.
At the first R=Repair option, press the R key
Press the number that corresponds to the correct location for the installation of Windows you want to repair.
Typically this will be #1
Type bootcfg /list to show the current entries in the BOOT.INI file
Type bootcfg /rebuild to repair it
Take out the CD ROM and type exit
Corrupted or Missing \WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CONFIG
If you get the error:
Windows could not start because the following files is missing or corrupt
Insert and boot from your WindowsXP CD.
At the first R=Repair option, press the R key
Press the number that corresponds to the correct location for the installation of Windows you want to repair.
Typically this will be #1
Enter in the administrator password when requested
cd \windows\system32\config
Depending on which section was corrupted:
ren software software.bad or ren system system.bad
Depending on which section was corrupted
copy \windows\repair\system
copy \windows\repair\software
Take out the CD ROM and type exit Go to top
If you get an error that NTLDR is not found during bootup,
If you have FAT32 partitions, it is much simpler than with NTFS.
Just boot with a Win98 floppy and copy the NTLDR or NTDETECT.COM files
from the i386 directory to the root of the C:\ drive.
Insert and boot from your WindowsXP CD.
At the first R=Repair option, press the R key
Press the number that corresponds to the correct location for the installation of Windows you want to repair.
Typically this will be #1
Enter in the administrator password when requested
Enter in the following commands (X: is replaced by the actual drive letter that is assigned to the CD ROM drive.
COPY X:\i386\NTLDR C\:
Take out the CD ROM and type exit
Bringing Up the Shutdown Dialog Box
Create a new txt file somewhere on your system, open it and put in this one line:
(new ActiveXObject(”Shell.Application”)).ShutdownWindow s();
Save and Close the file. Change the extension to js and your got it.
You can make a shortcut to that file to make it easy to shut down your system.
Hiding the Last User Logged On
If you use the standard NT style of login and want to hide the last user:
Start the Group Policy Editor (gpedit.msc)
Go to Computer Configuration / Windows Settings / Security Settings / Local Policies / Security Options
Scroll down to Interactive logon: Do not display last user name
Set it to Enable Go to top
Poweroff at Shutdown
If your computer does not turn off the power when doing a shutdown,
you may need to edit the registry. I have all the correct BIOS and Power settings and still needed to do this.
Start Regedit
Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop
Edit the key PowerOffActive and give it a value of 1
You can do the same in HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop
Remembering Folder Settings
If XP does not remember your folder settings, delete or rename the following registry keys
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell NoRoam\BagMRU]
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell NoRoam\Bags]
Preventing Applications from Stealing the Focus
To prevent applications from stealing the focus from the window you are working
Start Regedit
Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Control Panel \ Desktop
Edit the key ForegroundLockTimeout
Give it a value of 00030d40
Disable Explorer Thumbnail View
If you want disable the Explorer’s ability to show the Thumbnail View ,
Start Regedit
Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ Advanced \
Change ClassicViewState to 1 Go to top
Disable Shared Documents
To disable the Shared Documents folder that shows up on the network
Start Regedit
Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer \
Create a new DWORD Value
Give it the name NoSharedDocuments
Give it a value of 1
Log off or reboot
Removing Thumbs.db Files
When viewing a folder with the Thumbnail view, WindowsXP creates a thumbs.db file.
This is a cache of the current pictures in that directory.
If you want to turn this feature off and save a little disk space
Start the Windows Explorer
Go to Tools / Folder Options / View
In the first section under Files and Folders, check Do not cache thumbnails
Now you can search for the thumbs.db file on your computer and remove them. No more should be created.
Enable / Disable the Task Manager
Start Regedit
Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curre ntVersion\Policies\System
Create the Dword value DisableTaskMgr
Give it a value of 0 to enable it
Give it a vaule of 1 to disable it Go to top
Clearing the Page File on Shutdown
Another way to set the computer to clear the pagefile without directly editing the registry is:
Click on the Start button
Go to the Control Panel
Administrative Tools
Local Security Policy
Local Policies
Click on Security Options
Right hand menu - right click on “Shutdown: Clear Virtual Memory Pagefile”
Select “Enable”
If you want to clear the page file on each shutdown:
Start Regedit
Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Session Manager\Memory Management\ClearPageFileAtShutdown
Set the value to 1
No GUI Boot
If you don’t need to see the XP boot logo,
Click on the BOOT.INI tab
Check the box for /NOGUIBOOT
Using the Classic Search in Explorer
If you prefer to use the classic search style in Explorer,
Start Regedit
Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curre ntVersion\Explorer\CabinetState
Add a String Key called Use Search Asst
Give it a value of no Go to top
Changing Drive Letters
If you want to change the letters assigned to your fixed or removable drives:
Right Click on My Computer
Select Manage
Select Disk Management
For a Fixed Disk:
Select it
Right click
Select Change Drive Letter and Path
Click on the Edit button
Enter in the letter you want to use
For a Removable Disk:
In the lower, right hand panel, right click on the Disk or CD ROM #
Select Change Drive Letter and Path
Click on the Edit button
Enter in the letter you want to use
Changing the Registered Owner
Start Regedit
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion
From there you can edit the name in the Registered Owner key
Decreasing Boot Time
Microsoft has made available a program to analyze and decrease the time it takes to boot to WindowsXP
The program is called BootVis
Uncompress the file.
For a starting point, run Trace / Next Boot + Driver Delays
This will reboot your computer and provide a benchmark
After the reboot, BootVis will take a minute or two to show graphs of your system startup.
Note how much time it takes for your system to load (click on the red vertical line)
Then run Trace / Optimize System
Re-Run the Next Boot + Drive Delays
Note how much the time has decreased
Mine went from approximately 39 to 30 seconds. Go to top
Hide/Unhide Logon Names
If you want to hide or unhide the names of users that are displayed on the initial logon screen:
Start Regedit
Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ Winlogon \ SpecialAccounts \ UserList
Add a DWORD with the name of the user account you want to hide
Make sure it has a value of 0
If there is an existing account, you can unhide it by giving it a value of 1
WindowsXP Command Line Utilities
While there are a lot of command line utilities in WindowsXP, here are some that I have been using lately.
bootcfg - Configures, queries, or changes Boot.ini file settings.
driverquery - Displays a list of all installed device drivers and their properties.
getmac - Returns the media access control (MAC) address and list of network protocols associated with each address for all network cards in each computer
gpresult - Displays Group Policy settings and Resultant Set of Policy (RSOP) for a user or a computer
netsh - You can use commands in the Netsh Interface IP context to configure the TCP/IP protocol
schtasks - Schedules commands and programs to run periodically or at a specific time
systeminfo - Displays detailed configuration information about a computer and its operating system
Creating an Automated Install of WindowsXP
On the WindowsXP CP, in the SUPPORT\TOOLS directory,
there is a file called DEPLOY.CAB.
Extract the programs DEPLOY.CHM (help file) and SETUPMGR.EXE (main program)
Run SETUPMGR and answer the prompts.
This will create both a unattend.bat and unattend.txt file you can use for automated installs.
Note: The batch file might need some minor modification for file locations but it is fairly basic.
Disabling Hibernation
If you don’t want to use up the disk space taken by Hibernation, or don’t need to use it at all,
you can easily disable it.
Open up the Control Panel / Power Options icon
Click on the Hibernation icon
Uncheck Enable Hibernation Go to top
Increasing System Performance
If you have 512 megs or more of memory, you can increase system performance
by having the core system kept in memory.
Start Regedit
Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Session Manager\Memory Management\DisablePagingExecutive
Set the value to be 1
Reboot the computer
Common Command Console Utilities
WindowsXP comes with quite a few console utilities you can easily run from the command line:
Computer Management - compmgmt.msc
Disk Managment - diskmgmt.msc
Device Manager - devmgmt.msc
Disk Defrag - dfrg.msc
Event Viewer - eventvwr.msc
Shared Folders - fsmgmt.msc
Group Policies - gpedit.msc
Local Users and Groups - lusrmgr.msc
Performance Monitor - perfmon.msc
Resultant Set of Policies - rsop.msc
Local Security Settings - secpol.msc
Services - services.msc
Component Services - comexp.msc
Automatically Ending Non-Responsive Tasks
Start Regedit
Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\AutoEndTasks
Set the value to be 1
In the same section, change the WaitToKillAppTimeout to the number of milliseconds you want.
Changing the Internet Explorer Title
Start Regedit
Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Window Title
Enter what you want appear in the title bar
Changing Programs That Start Automatically
WindowsXP has a similar program, MSCONFIG, that was available in Windows98.
This allows you to view and change what programs are automatically started each time you log in.
The new version also allows you to view and edit the boot.ini file (as well as check for errors and use several advanced switches)
Here's the secret !
1/ Make Interestant posts, use Google Trends to know what people search for and how many !
trends.google.com it may interest you
2/ After making a good blog start free advertising, those are the best links that generate plenty of traffic
3/ Post plenty of topics (plenty....) without limits and in different subject. Note that google will generate you traffic with those post. Each post generate 0.3 visitor per day
4/ Use sites like a1vbcode.com and post code snippets, those code snippets will generate traffic. a1vbcode.com generate 5 visitor to me daily
5/ Browse forum and reply question this way : See the reponse @ : myblog.blogspot.com/2007/02/followingpost... Msdn forum generate to me 15 visitors per day
6/ Use google groups and post ads for your blog (don't spam post in chorent groups). Google Groups generate 5 visitors per day to me
7/ Use technologies like Blogging for fame, technoratie...
How bloggers get paid by displaying Adsense?
It's pretty simple. When any of our visitors, click on the Google ads we publish, we get some money. Usually just a small percentage of what Google is actually paid. Depending on the amount of visitor traffic your blog gets, there would be a greater chance those ads will be clicked be someone resulting in more earning for you.
Is it easy to earn using adsense?
Yes and No. Yes if you have very high traffic. This is because the higher traffic you get, the more probability that more of your blog's visitors will be clicking on one of your ads. Especially, if your blog's topic is a high-paying adwords keyword (* explained later). No if your blog fits the exact opposite of what I just mentioned. I'll give you example later of highly paying keywords that I've heard can earn you at most &28 per click.
What are the do's and don't in using adsense?
Major no-no when you use adsense is clicking your own ad. Or having someone clicking the ads for you. It's what they call click fraud. Google has some weird high-tech way of determining if you made those clicks yourself or if you had somebody click it for you. Let me share an example, when I was working with my previous company my desk-mate one day came in fuming mad because he said he just received an email from Google that he has been banned and forfeited the $200 dollars he earned for running Google's ads in his website forum because Google found out the clicks made on his ads were fraudulent. He swears he didn't click the ads himself but since he is running a forum, he couldn't really tell who did the fraudulent clicks. He says it may be from someone who got pissed because he banned him from the forum but there no way and no use of finding out now.
There's a lot of Google ads tips out there. A great Google adsense guru is Joel Comm of joelcomm.com. He has some great video tutorials that can be found on Youtube on how to get started in blogging and his Google expertise. I'll give some that I picked up on the net and some taught to me by my friends later. But first let me discuss to you how to position your ads.
Positioning the ads in the "heat zone"
In your blog, there's an area SEO experts call the heat zone. Statistically, that area was found to be the most likely blog visitors will focus their eyes on. Since this area is where they frequently focus their eyes on, it is more likely that it will be the area where they will be interested in something. If they become interested in something, it is almost for sure that they will click on whatever is there on that area. If you are the type of blogger who would want to maximize the earning potential of your blog, what you need to do is position those ads in the "heat zone" so that it will be more likely that your visitors will be interested and click on the ads. Had enough of the suspense? What to know what this "heat zone" looks like? hehe. Okay. They heat zone is shaped like a capital letter F. So what does this mean? It means if you want to earn maximize your adsense earnings, you need to position those ads on your blog shaped like an F. For example, One big leaderboard ad on the top of your homepage either above or below your banner. Second, one 160x600 vertical banner ad on your left most side-bar. And lastly, one ad in between you posts or if you know how to, you can integrate a Google ad within your post. When you do this, the pattern should be like shaped like this:
Ofcourse, you will need to decide if this is right and if this works for you. This is just based on statistical data but everyone is entitled to decide if they want to monetize or not to monetize and just focus on blogging. If you do want, to monetize make sure you monitor the performance of your ad. Try a little experimenting on the positions of your ads and see what works best for you eventually. This advice is not only limited on Google adsense. You can apply the F heat zone to anything who want people to notice more. If you want them to notice your widgets bucks ads you can also do that. The plain simple rule is: place your most important stuff on this F heat zone because it will get noticed first and more often than the other areas of your blog.
Here's rest of the tips I promised:
1. In Google adsense, it takes 2 clicks from a visitor to earn you some considerable money. For you to actually earn, whoever clicks your Google ads will have to be interested and clicks on something on the page he was taken to. If this is done, it should be a considerable amount of maybe $0.50 above depending on the cost per click of that add.
2. Here's a list of high-paying keywords or ads that will pay big bucks to click on. I've even seen some bloggers purely blog about these stuff purely for monetary reasons. Most common words combined with these terms also pays well. What this means for bloggers is if their blog topic is about these things, they stand to earn better because these keywords are paid by advertisers for a high-cost which means higher pay for publisher bloggers.
3. Blend the colors of your Google ads with the color of the background where it is going to be placed. It would look more natural to your visitors. If the ad is blended, there would be a better possibility that a visitor will click the ads. If you wonder how it should look like, take a look at my ads.
Please read Google adsense terms and conditions page and program policies to get complete detailed information about using Google adsense. More to come tommorow!
I found this post in another blog and I like it !
Visit : www.developerfusion.co.uk and click in the "Tools" tab and you'll find this nice converter !
This is the first in the series of BLOG entries for data compression feature in SQL Server 2008.
Starting with SQL Server 2008 release, SQL Server is targeted to support native data compression. It will allow you to compress a table, or an index or one or more of their partitions to save space on the disk. I will cover about the details on these compressions in later BLOG entries, but let us start with one fundamental question: Why Compression? This may very well be a non-question for our customers who have been waiting for this feature for a while. But still, it is useful to visit or re-visit the reasons why data compression is needed or useful.
One obvious reason is to save the cost of disk. While this may seem strange given that the disks are cheap. We all can buy 100s of GB disk for less than $100.00. So what all this fuss is about? First reason, for the uninitiated, is that the disks used for high-end systems are not cheap. Secondly, there is rarely a single copy of the production data. For example, if you are using high availability features like replication, log shipping or mirroring, you will have at least one more copy. Now what about test environment? There is one copy there as well. All these add up to the cost of hardware. Third, how about backups? If you have many backups of your database over time, just multiply the cost. Agreed that backup can be stored on less expensive media but still there is some cost associated with it.
Second reason is the cost of managing the data. Larger the database, it takes longer to do the backup, recovery. Similarly for running DBCC commands, rebuilding indexes, and bulk import/export. Clearly if these commands are IO bound, then if we could reduce the size of the data, they will run faster. Even better, they will have less of an impact on the concurrent workload in your system. One interesting point is that if your database is compressed, the backup will be automatically smaller. So how does this relate to backup compression, a new feature in SQL Server 2008. Well, as you will see in subsequent BLOG posts, backup compression is orthogonal to data compression and can be used together.
Third reason is memory. Don’t we all wish we had more memory on our servers? Well, if the data is compressed, you can fit more data in the same memory. So if you could compress the data 50%, then suddenly you have increased your memory 100% (i.e. you can fit double the size of the data). Is this not fantastic? Even if you have 64-bit machine with the capability for huge amount of addressable memory, the databases, for most customers, is many order of magnitude larger than the memory. So compression will benefit even for servers running on 64-bit architecture. Clearly your IO bound workloads are likely to see increase in throughput with data compression as there is less data to be read.
Hope this has created some excitement in you for the data compression feature. More in the future BLOGs.
This Power Toy gives you access to system settings that are not exposed in the Windows XP default user interface, including mouse settings, Explorer settings, taskbar settings, and more. Without a doubt, any user of Windows XP will learn about several useful features.
Tools are small applications that implement a limited set of functions and help you perform management or problem-solving tasks. Microsoft Windows XP Professional provides a number of tools that can help you diagnose and resolve hardware and software problems. Build a list of tools for future use in your Favorites folder so that you can find the perfect tip the next time you need it. In addition to the tweaks, the program also offers several tools (Utilities) that include a Start-Up Manager, Uninstaller, Cleanup Center, Disk Cleanup, and Designer XP. There are command line tools that can help.
If you can start the computer in safe mode but not in normal mode, the problem is caused by a driver or service that runs in normal mode. To start your computer in ’safe mode’. Note your computer might take longer to start and shut down when it is running in safe mode because Windows XP Professional disables disk caching in safe mode. Foremost computers that meet Microsoft’s minimum recommended hardware requirements, Windows XP is the best-performing Windows operating system ever created. When networks were first created they were intended to connect trusted computers together. Over time clusters of networks became connected, introducing the ability for an unknown entity from one network to connect to a computer on another network, which led to the need for protection. But now numerous tools are freely available on the Internet, making it easy for novice hackers (so-called script kiddies) to find vulnerabilities in computers and exploit them. Intended for organizations that have already deployed or are planning to deploy the Active Directory service, this article helps administrators manage policy settings for computers running Windows XP, the successor to Windows 2000 Professional. Many new features of Windows XP such as Remote Assistance, Windows Media Player, and Error Reporting come with their own Group Policy settings that administrators can use to customize and standardize configurations for users and computers across the network. This article explains: Whats new for policy settings in Windows XP Logon optimization in Windows XP Managing client computers using Windows XP Verifying policy with Resultant Set of Policy (RSoP). User data includes the documents, images, spreadsheets, presentations and email messages on a user’s computer. User settings include application configurations, preferences, window sizes, toolbar settings and so forth on a user’s computer. Personalized data, applications, and settings can follow each user to different computers throughout the network. Administrators can easily replace faulty computers and restore all user data and settings on a new computer. It also provides an architectural overview of these features, and presents sample scenarios showing how IntelliMirror is used throughout a computers lifecycle.
Interested I may help you find the best...
Shortly "Fire Fox" It's now the best Open Source browser and for me better than IExplorer. The new IE7 come with many new features but still missing many things.
I like most in FF the idea of link in the top so I can store and find quickly my links!
FFox open source ?? Yes and the code with it, you are just running the compiler that run the code. You can find the code of FireFox and other modules in the *.jar files.
Use WinZip to extract them or simply rename to "*.zip" and use windows extractor assistant.
FFox is totally customizable and being Open Source make it slow at running but fast when working and have less bugs.
I'll recommand FF if you want to start programing on browser you can check mozilla site to see the huge numbers of projects (modules) in FFox
Those are linksof some browsers
http://www.mozilla.org/products/firefox/ (5.6MB)
http://www.opera.com/ (4.6MB)
http://www.maxthon.com/index.htm (1.9MB)
http://www.avantbrowser.com/ (1.86MB)
http://kmeleon.sourceforge.net/ (6MB)
Hope they help
• Use views and stored procedures instead of heavy-duty queries.
This can reduce network traffic, because your client will send to
server only stored procedure or view name (perhaps with some
parameters) instead of large heavy-duty queries text. This can be used
to facilitate permission management also, because you can restrict
user access to table columns they should not see.
• Try to use constraints instead of triggers, whenever possible.
Constraints are much more efficient than triggers and can boost
performance. So, you should use constraints instead of triggers,
whenever possible.
• Use table variables instead of temporary tables.
Table variables require less locking and logging resources than
temporary tables, so table variables should be used whenever possible.
The table variables are available in SQL Server 2000 only.
• Try to use UNION ALL statement instead of UNION, whenever possible.
The UNION ALL statement is much faster than UNION, because UNION ALL
statement does not look for duplicate rows, and UNION statement does
look for duplicate rows, whether or not they exist.
• Try to avoid using the DISTINCT clause, whenever possible.
Because using the DISTINCT clause will result in some performance
degradation, you should use this clause only when it is necessary.
• Try to avoid using SQL Server cursors, whenever possible.
SQL Server cursors can result in some performance degradation in
comparison with select statements. Try to use correlated sub-query or
derived tables, if you need to perform row-by-row operations.
• Try to avoid the HAVING clause, whenever possible.
The HAVING clause is used to restrict the result set returned by the
GROUP BY clause. When you use GROUP BY with the HAVING clause, the
GROUP BY clause divides the rows into sets of grouped rows and
aggregates their values, and then the HAVING clause eliminates
undesired aggregated groups. In many cases, you can write your select
statement so, that it will contain only WHERE and GROUP BY clauses
without HAVING clause. This can improve the performance of your query.
• If you need to return the total table's row count, you can use
alternative way instead of SELECT COUNT(*) statement.
Because SELECT COUNT(*) statement make a full table scan to return the
total table's row count, it can take very many time for the large
table. There is another way to determine the total row count in a
table. You can use sysindexes system table, in this case. There is
ROWS column in the sysindexes table. This column contains the total
row count for each table in your database. So, you can use the
following select statement instead of SELECT COUNT(*): SELECT rows
FROM sysindexes WHERE id = OBJECT_ID('table_name') AND indid < 2 So,
you can improve the speed of such queries in several times.
• Include SET NOCOUNT ON statement into your stored procedures to stop
the message indicating the number of rows affected by a T-SQL statement.
This can reduce network traffic, because your client will not receive
the message indicating the number of rows affected by a T-SQL statement.
• Try to restrict the queries result set by using the WHERE clause.
This can results in good performance benefits, because SQL Server will
return to client only particular rows, not all rows from the table(s).
This can reduce network traffic and boost the overall performance of
the query.
• Use the select statements with TOP keyword or the SET ROWCOUNT
statement, if you need to return only the first n rows.
This can improve performance of your queries, because the smaller
result set will be returned. This can also reduce the traffic between
the server and the clients.
• Try to restrict the queries result set by returning only the
particular columns from the table, not all table's columns.
This can results in good performance benefits, because SQL Server will
return to client only particular columns, not all table's columns.
This can reduce network traffic and boost the overall performance of
the query.
2.avoid more number of triggers on the table
3.unnecessary complicated joins
4.correct use of Group by clause with the select list
5 In worst cases Denormalization
Index Optimization tips
• Every index increases the time in takes to perform INSERTS, UPDATES
and DELETES, so the number of indexes should not be very much. Try to
use maximum 4-5 indexes on one table, not more. If you have read-only
table, then the number of indexes may be increased.
• Keep your indexes as narrow as possible. This reduces the size of
the index and reduces the number of reads required to read the index.
• Try to create indexes on columns that have integer values rather
than character values.
• If you create a composite (multi-column) index, the order of the
columns in the key are very important. Try to order the columns in the
key as to enhance selectivity, with the most selective columns to the
leftmost of the key.
• If you want to join several tables, try to create surrogate integer
keys for this purpose and create indexes on their columns.
• Create surrogate integer primary key (identity for example) if your
table will not have many insert operations.
• Clustered indexes are more preferable than nonclustered, if you need
to select by a range of values or you need to sort results set with
• If your application will be performing the same query over and over
on the same table, consider creating a covering index on the table.
• You can use the SQL Server Profiler Create Trace Wizard with
"Identify Scans of Large Tables" trace to determine which tables in
your database may need indexes. This trace will show which tables are
being scanned by queries instead of using an index.
• You can use sp_MSforeachtable undocumented stored procedure to
rebuild all indexes in your database. Try to schedule it to execute
during CPU idle time and slow production periods.
sp_MSforeachtable @command1="print '?' DBCC DBREINDEX ('?')"
The tips are written by Matthew Bredel
1. Write posts people desire to read. Although this seems obvious, taking a quick look around many blogs you will find thousands upon thousands with too much personal information and not enough useful information. Do people really want to read about your cat? Or better yet, do you really want to attract the kind of people who want to read about your cat? Create timeless, conversational posts about relevant topics. Consider what you would want to read and write that!
2. Become THE expert on your topic. Research and stay current on your blog’s topic. If readers believe you have information and musings on the latest and greatest, they will come to you first. People do not want old news rehashed. They want to be informed of something new and cutting-edge.
3. Utilize Search Engine Optimization. Learn all you can about SEO, and use it for your blog much like you would use it to optimize a website. This means, place keywords in the URL to your blog, the title of your post, the body of your post, and within your post text links.
4. Don’t make your blogs too much like an advertisement. Readers feel used and abused when they visit a site thinking they will find useful information only to discover they are reading a blatant advertisement for some product or service. By making yourself an expert and providing thoughtful and thorough information, you are going to peak the interest of readers and make them WANT to learn more about your product.
5. Create some drama, controversy, and BUZZ. People love wars of words, some controversy here and there. It creates wanted buzz and develops readers who will return to your blog just to see if anything is brewing. Always allow comments on your blogs, and post comments on other blogs that will cause readers to want to visit your blog to see what you are all about.
6. Send notification of blog-updates via e-mail. For those potential readers who are not going to seek out a blog post, e-mail is a great way to reel them in. Use a free blog service or an autoresponder to invite readers and manage your reader list.
7. Of course, submit your blog to every search engine!
8. Make sure the link to your blog is on every piece of written communication you send. Include the link in your newsletters, brochures, business cards, in your e-mail signature, and in every post you make on various forums.
9. Turn your blog into an article. Create blog entries that can be easily adapted into articles, and place them in online article directories along with the link to your blog.
10. Blog often. You want people to know they can expect a blog from you daily or weekly. If you are inconsistent or rarely post a blog, it is difficult to develop a reader-base. Set a goal for your writing and stick to it.
The transition to digital TV has some very real benefits for both TV viewers and our society at large. First of all, digital TV produces an incredibly clear picture that the older analog format wasn't capable of producing under any conditions. Plus, digital TV comes with an on screen program guide which will make it much easier for viewers to decide what to watch.
The transition to digital TV benefits society in several different ways. One of these benefits will be seen in freed up over the air bandwidth that can be used for other things. Right now a lot of over the air telecommunications bandwidth is being used by TV stations to transmit their programming in both analog and digital signals. Once the analog signals are shut off, the bandwidth that they used to occupy will be dedicated to other purposes. Some of it will be used to give emergency responders better communications ability- a necessity that was pointed out by 9/11 and again during hurricane Katrina. The remaining bandwidth will be auctioned off by the FCC and probably will end up being used for widespread wireless networks.
All of the above are good reasons to switch to exclusively digital TV transmissions, but there are also a lot of benefits to some big businesses that will result from the switch. For example, consumer electronics manufacturers stand to benefit because of the fact that upon the switch to digital TV transmissions, TV sets that only receive analog signals will be unable to display TV. This will require the owners of those TV sets to either buy a new TV set with a digital tuner or to buy a special set top box that will convert the digital signals to analog signals that the older TV set will understand. Consumer electronics manufacturers will be in a position to make a huge profit as people make the switch.
TV service providers represent another sector of the economy that could see a profit from this switch. That's because their receiver boxes perform the same function as the converter boxes, so if someone needs to make a change anyway in order to keep watching TV, it might be enough to prompt them to subscribe to a TV service.
The companies that will buy up all of that bandwidth stand to profit too from whatever they end up using it for. Even the FCC will profit from the proceeds of auctioning the bandwidth.
While a transition to over the air digital signals is definitely a good thing for the common good, it seems unfortunate that one of the main motivating factors behind it seems to be to sell electronics.
Recently, I become to understand that such blogging tactics like Search Engine Optimization, link baiting and commenting do not bring the necessary result. I want more than 1000 visitors per day on my blog, but what search engines give me now is nothing. I understood one thing - If I’ll be engaged only in search optimization, I can forget about my successful blogging.
My blog has more than 1700 backlinks for 3 months. Did it give me a good result in search engines? NO! I receive 50-80 unique visitors per day from search engines and I absolutely not satisfied by this result. According to Google Analytics only 24% of traffic I receive from SE.
Yes, I did mistakes. But who is not doing them, that doing nothing. The main thing is that I make conclusions from them and will never repeat them. Google changes its SERP algorithms almost everyday. People who have any attitude to online business are shocked about today’s Page Rank’s situation. Sandbox, supplemental index, penalties and bans all of this can drive crazy. That is why I’m telling you: search engine optimization for blog is BULLSHIT!
Blog is a piece of online social community, and promotion through online dialogue should be priority. Only natural way of link building could help in increasing of blog auditory. Here is what I offer to do to get your goals.
1. Write a good articles and submit them in article directories. eZineArticles directory is on the fourth place among the sources of traffic of my blog.
2. Forums. Find a good thematic forums with a big auditory and begin to send threads and replies. The best way of traffic getting through forums is to help somebody in solving their problem.
3. Yahoo Answers. It is the most popular board of questions and answers. Look at the good questions of your blog’s thematic and give the best answers. I’m doing so and always receive some quantity of visitors on my blog.
4. Build your communities on trafficable social bookmarking services. StumbleUpon, Digg, Reddit are on the first place among the sources of traffic of my blog. After you are switching on your computer, make sure that the first thing you are open in browser is this websites. Be always online, look for friends and be friend for everyone who want it.
5. The last, is one of my evil tips. Technorati! Like in search engines, the more backlinks your have to your blog in Technoarti, the more authority you’ll get and if authority is quite good, you’ll receive good positions in this blog community.
Hope this make more traffics for you !
And much more, I design those site in no time, here I'll say how I have done.
First you want make it your own it's easy !
You can choose your style from : http://freecsstemplates.org where there's about 300 free style.
This and this one : http://wpdesigner.com are the bests sites (free) but the firsdt is more easier in navigation
Now you can preview different styles and download what it seems nice and met your needs. You'll need an editor to edit and make your web site, I'll recommand to you Front Page (but it's payed) so you may love Visual Web Developer (I use it and it's free from MS thx to Microsoft)
Now you can add some gadget to your web site like a counter (I'm making a project that will help you to achieve this!)
The most gadget that I love
FeedJit : Show traffic from where it come and any country (quite nice)
Page Rank checker : give the page rank of your site
Get Page Rank :

Hope those information were useful for you !
The Songs Lyrics :
Talk About Me
Ryder Music
God Gave Me Style
Yeah! Ha Ha!
Man everywhere I go, I mean like everywhere I be
I hear niggaz runnin they mouth, you should hear how they talk 'bout me
[Verse 1]
I know Boo Boo I mean 50 he a grimey nigga
50 shot my brother I'm a find that nigga
We don't see his punk ass unless he on TV
Yeah he did my brother dirty but he don't wanna see me
Member Rydell from KP thought he was his man
Put him on the table to bag up he beat him for grams
How you think he got that money for that Chalk Gray Land
That nigga robbin and stealin everything that he can
Man everywhere I go, I mean like everywhere I be
I hear hoes runnin they mouth, you should hear how they talk 'bout me
[Verse 2]
Yeah I know Curtis, he used to fuck with my friend
Used to come through my projects pick her up in the Benz
Niggaz from my buildin always used to ask about him
Like she in and out of town right that niggaz get down right
I used to say, all I know, is the nigga get money
And you standin in my way, excuse me dummy
Ronda she told me that nigga a freak
And McDonald's ain't the only thing that he eat
Man everywhere I go, I mean like everywhere I be
I hear everybody runnin they mouth, you should hear how they talk 'bout me
[Verse 3]
I love 50 Cent, that's my dad
But even my mom talk about him bad
She says since he blew up, he changed for sure
He's really fascinated with these fancy hoes
I don't know why but there personalities collide
And my dad will swallow blood before he swallows his pride
You know the kids in my class they be sayin he's crazy
They just like him cause he rollin with Dr. Dre and Shady
Man everywhere I go, I mean like everywhere I be
I hear niggaz runnin they mouth, you should hear how they talk 'bout me
[Verse 4]
Man 50 fucked up, I mean real fucked up
He left us in the hood we fucked up
I can't believe this nigga getting all this money
Still actin like he in the street tellin niggaz they can't eat
You know this motherfucker went and bought Tyson's crib
Got Bentley's, Ferrari's, and all that shit
He don't even come through to try and help niggaz out
That's the bullshit see what I'm talkin about
Man everywhere I go, I mean like everywhere I be
I hear everybody runnin they mouth, you should hear how they talk 'bout me
[Verse 5]
That's my Grand baby I love him I raised that boy right
He ran to me cryin sent him back out to fight
Put a battery in his sock go pick up a rock
You ain't a chump, you want your Grandma to think you a punk
Look at my first Grand baby, he is a big rap star
Bought me a house, diamonds, and a brand new car
I tought him what it takes, to go this far
Boy I'm the reason you are what you are
Man everywhere I go, I mean like everywhere I be
I hear everybody runnin they mouth, you should hear how they talk 'bout me
Man everywhere I go, I mean like everywhere I be
I hear everybody runnin they mouth, you should hear how they talk 'bout me
God gave me style
God gave me grace
God gave me style
God gave me grace
God put a smile on my face
Haha, God put this smile on my face
God made me shine like the sun
God make me shine like the sun
Sometimes I feel like I'm the one
Sometimes I feel like
It ain't my fault
I just reach my style, I'm hot I breaks it down
It ain't my fault, you can't break it down the way I break it down
[Verse 1- 50 Cent]
Listen you can call me what you want, black and ugly
But you can't convince me the Lord don't love me
When my cds drop, they sell the best
You call it luck, why can't it just be I'm blessed
I'm a trackstar, runnin' through life, chasin' my dream
best deal i made was trad'in the mic in for that triple beam
I zone off thinkin' is there really heaven or hell
If So what happens to a changed man who dies in a cell
I need no answers to these questions, cuz time will tell
Got a date with destiny, she's more than a girl
Don't much good come from me, but my music
Its a gift given from God,so i ima use it (Yeaaah!)
God gave me style
God gave me grace
God gave me style
God gave me grace
God put a smile on my face
Haha, God put this smile on my face
God made me shine like the sun
God make me shine like the sun
Sometimes I feel like I'm the one
Sometimes I feel like
It ain't my fault
I just reach for style, I'm hot I breaks it down
It ain't my fault, you can't break it down the way I break it down
[Verse 2- 50 Cent]
Some days, I'm in the crowd all by myself
Bunch of niggas around I'm still by myself
I'm drift off in the crowd, by myself
Thinkin' bout nothin' more than life, what else
These days its hard to tell who really cares for me
So you when hear this song, you should say a prayer for me
I put a message in my music, hope it brightens your day
When times are hard, when you hear it, know you'll be okay
A O.G. told me God's favorites have a hard time
You out the hood, that's good now stay on the grind
I'm a sponge, knowledge and wisdom, i absord fast
I'm in a class by myself, you do the math
God gave me style
God gave me grace
God gave me style
God gave me grace
God put a smile on my face
Haha, God put this smile on my face
God made me shine like the sun
God make me shine like the sun
Sometimes I feel like I'm the one
Sometimes I feel like
it ain't my fault
shout out to rev foy flake and I can't forget Visha Moore cuse my momma kill me