3 month of blogging and 300 $ in Google Adsense!

Yes you see well I think! I have only 3 month of blogging with this blogger, but I have 300$ now on my account and that are increasing day by day!
My earning reached 20 $ per day now and I have only 3 month!
I'm not joking or just attracting attention, I speak seriously.How could I do this ?

Posting Topic :
Simple and easy, posts on anything you like (but interesting). Like Me, source code and example helpful for VB.net programers.
Post a lot of topic and make a clear title for your post, that attract seekers.
You'll need at least 50 topic to attract readers, but you can do them quicly.
Digg with me !
Google isn't very good for traffic, but for long. That mean Google direct to you a small traffic but every day.
Digg drive to you huge traffic, but only the moment when you submit!
So you have to make 5 posts per day and submit them to Digg. Interesting posts will attract lots of readers. Digg give me about 120 reader daily (if I submit) and 3 or 4 if i don't. But Google drive traffic constantly and the traffic of google increase as your Page Rank Increase!
Comment every ones blog, but hey don't forget your link. Comment on Youtube for example
Yes, but High Page Ranks forums only
Blog Directory:
I'm using but they don't drive well
Ping Your blog:
Use automated ping and ping your blog.

That's all! and you'll start having traffic and then money


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